Hi, I'm Amanda! Welcome to my little sacred space online.

I’m a highly sensitive person (HSP) and intuitive sound healer based in Austin, TX. I'm passionate about using sound healing to activate the body’s natural ability to heal and empowering others to trust their own inner guidance system. 

My love and connection to sound healing started in 2015 when I experienced my first sound bath. I attended them as often as I could and experienced physical, mental, and emotional healing during each one. I started to see the world and my place in it through a different lens. Around the same time I also started to deepen my connection with my intuition.

I began offering sound baths to the community and co-creating with yin yoga classes after taking several training courses. I started my intuitive sound healing business and quickly began offering sound baths at yoga studios and wellness spas throughout Los Angeles.

After many nudges (and obvious signs) from the universe along with the inner knowing that I was meant to offer more, I created my own sound healing practitioner training. My intention is to inspire those who take my training to connect with their intuition above all else while having a solid foundation to create sound baths from that is based on the actual science behind sound healing. I firmly believe that understanding the science of sound healing while connecting with the guidance of your own intuition will assist you in creating unique sound bath experiences from a place of integrity and authenticity.

Providing sound baths and training sound healers has given me clarity on my purpose and what I have to offer the world. I blend my intuition with my knowledge of the science of sound healing to create my sound bath meditations and mentor others in the art of sound healing.

If you feel called to work with me I look forward to making the connection with you!

Sound Bath Testimonials